Shrek the Musical - Click for additional info if available Opening Date - 10-01 Closing Date - 10-10-2015 Date Show Character Actor 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Sound Marla Reimer 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Lights Jay Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Lights Del Reimer 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Choreography Erin Horst 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rehearsal Piano Ric Benzing 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Producer Kay Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Director Tom Chandler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Grumpy Nicholas Stavroplus 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Storybook Character Maria Medberry 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Storybook Character Warren Feudner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Happy People Vienna Baumgartner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Happy People Brittni Tieden 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Happy People Janet Ott 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Happy People Gina Dahlstrom 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoe Kid Maria Stavroplus 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoe Kid Maci Keppler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoe Kid Makayla Erickson 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoe Kid Ella Buckman 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoe Kid Cayden Baumgartner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Old Woman in Shoe Gayle Moore 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Chicken Little Lexi Schmidt 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Frank Davis 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Janet Ott 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Madesta DeShaw 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Angie Killian 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Brianna Tieden 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Cary Kann 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performer Brenna Buckman 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performer Maddi Buckman 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Niki Berns 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Jesse Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Andrew Zeisel 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Nika Tipsword 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Jenna Jansen 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Kristy Fleming 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Blake Bolsinger 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Carissa Moyna 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performers Ella Hamlett 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Jesse Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Blake Bolsinger 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Niki Berns 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Kate Chandler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Diane Fisk 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Jenna Jansen 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Kristy Fleming 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Rat Tapper Ella Hamlett 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Pied Piper Jon Banse 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Bluebird on a branch Kristy Fleming 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Knight 4 Andrew Zeisel 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Knight 3 Clark Ott 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Knight 2 Jon Banse 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Kinght 1 Walter Stavropolus 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Teen Fiona Alivia Keppler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Young Fiona Alice Gifford 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Dragon Jenna Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Thelonius / Bishop Frank Davis 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Greeter Andrew Zeisel 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Farquaad Craig Strutt 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Gingy Ella Hamlett 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Gnomes Trista Curran 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Gnomes Savannah Orr 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Gnomes Mariah Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical White Rabbit Karleigh Thorson 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Little Red Riding Hood Abby Schellhorn 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Raggedy Andy Nicholas Stavroplus 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Raggedy Anne Sadie Richter 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Tweedle Dum Donna Anderson 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Tweedle Dee Wendy Shea 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Blind Mouse 3 Tara Baumgartner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Blind Mouse 2 Jenna Jansen 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Blind Mouse 1 Kristy Fleming 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Papa Bear Rob Medberry 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Baby Bear Audrey Ruff 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shoemaker's Elf Kalie Jaster 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Humpty Dumpty Jenna Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Mad Hatter Jesse Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Mama Bear Sarah Hagen 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Witch Joeann Tesar 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Sugar Plum Fairy Carissa Moyna 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Ugly Duckling Walter Stravroplus 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Peter Pan Nika Tipsword 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Fairy Godmother Mary Beth Specht 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Pig 3 McKenna Jaster 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Pig 2 Niki Berns 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Pig 1 Kristy Fleming 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Wolf Clark Ott 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Pinocchio Blake Bolsinger 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Captain of Guard Jason Tipsword 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Queen Lillian Diane Fisk 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical King Harold Jon Banse 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Papa Ogre Jerry O Brien 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Mama Ogre Tara Baumgartner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Little Ogre Frankie Richter 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Fiona Cheri Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Donkey Dave Beck 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Shrek Jonathon Moser 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Costume Head Barb Chandler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Co-Director Jon Banse 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Duloc Performer Kate Chandler 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Vienna Baumgartner 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Gina Dahlstrom 2015-10-01 Shrek the Musical Guards Brittni Tieden
Shrek the Musical - Click for additional info if available
Opening Date - 10-01 Closing Date - 10-10-2015